A Special Election is any election that is not regularly scheduled. A special election may be held for any purpose authorized or required by law; often to fill a vacancy or for a public measure.
First day to submit Absentee Ballot Request forms to the Auditor's Office - Tuesday, July 2
Absentee Ballots ready to be mailed - Wednesday, August 21
In-person voting starts in the Auditor's Office - Wednesday, August 21
Voter Pre-Registration Deadline - Monday, August 26
Last day to have an Absentee Ballot mailed - Monday, August 26
Extended Hours
Extended hours are available for voter registration and absentee voting in the Worth County Auditor's Office. In addition to regular hours of Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., extended office hours during the 2024 EMS Special Election will be as follows:
This webpage was printed on March 28, 2025. For the most current election-related information, visit the Worth County, Iowa, Elections website at https://elections.worthcountyiowa.gov.